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时间:2023-07-11 01:54:03    来源:互联网

1、保持乐观。无论发生什么事情,最好记住生命中,那些美好的事情 。


Be positive. No matter what happens, it is best to remember the good things in life.

2、在糟糕的情况下, 也能找到光明的一面。

Find the bright side in bad situations.

3、反对回击,悲观消极的, 负面的观念或意见。

Push back against the negative opinions.


Do your best not to compare yourself to others.


When you are around other people, give expression to what you like about them.

6、通过把美好的, 事情记在心里,你将会比以前, 更加的感恩。

By keeping good in mind, you will give thanks for it even more than before.

7、做人最重要的是: 要知道一直如何, 感恩所有的人。

It"s more important to know how to be thankful people all the time.

8、同时尽量试着, 接受负面的东西。

At the same time, try to accept the negative.

9、 学会从错误中学习。这让我们变得更强大!

Learn from the mistakes. It makes us become strong.

10、我们的错误也可以, 让我们变得更谦卑。

Our mistakes can also make us humble.

11、谦虚的人们会有, 更好的人际关系,并且能够更清楚地看到, 生命中的所有祝福!

Humble people have better relationships and see life"s blessings much more clearly.

sickadj. 生病的,恶心的,想吐的be sick of 极度厌倦,烦透了,受够了近义词hate,需要注意,I am sick of所针对的对象,有其限定条件,主要指那种因长期相处而感到厌烦的人,或因多次重复发生而受够了的事,非因初次体验而产生的厌憎情绪I am sick of doing such things.我烦透了一直做这种事情.I am sick of this routine work.我烦透了这种千篇一律的工作I am sick of your excuses.我受够了你的借口.I am sick of your negative attitude.我受够了你的消极态度.I am sick of repeating every question I ask you.我受够了重复每一个我向你提出的问题.(repeat v.重说,重做).How long before they"re sick of each other?要多久他们才会彼此受够了?.I am so sick of living like this.我受够一直这样活着damnadv.完全,彻底,十足so damn 极度,极其 根据语境不同,这种表达有时会带上说话人的某种负面情绪so damn clever 极度聪明,so damn busy 忙得要死,so damn cute 极度可爱,so damn silly 极疫傻逼perfect adj. 完美的,最佳的all the time 始终,一直bizarre adj.离奇的,古怪的,奇葩的,匪夷所思的way n.作风,风度,样子bizarre way 古怪的样子make bed 铺床,整理床铺bathroom n.浴室,卫生间


美剧撷英:掌握短语“Be sick of”的用法(学浪计划)




Hi Vee,

It"s very unique, I believe it"s only in our area in the states and a bit north of here. The trees are called sugar Maple.

I think it"s always neat to share different parts of each other"s culture"s, we"re all unique and connected in the same way.

You take care of your family as well and look out for your neighbors and friends. It looks like we"re going to be shuttered here for a while.

I"m honestly not too certain that this stuff has already been here back in November-December. We had a sickness go through here effecting a lot of people, many in the hospital but no tests existed to see if it was this virus.

All of the now known virus symptoms were present in people that I know..and they all tested negative for the flu multiple times.

We"ll get through this rough patch and come out the other end. Things will be a bit different from here on out, but we must adapt and adjust.

I look forward to working with you in the future!

Take care,



Every cloud has a silver lining.


*英文释义:Every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it.

Every negative situation has the potential to result in or produce something positive or beneficial.

[兔年大吉]A silver lining on a cloud is an indication that the sun is behind it.

So this expression is usually said as an encouragement to a person who is overcome by some difficulty and is unable to see any positive way forward.


1. Optimists might say that every cloud has a silver lining.乐观主义者可能会说,守得云开见月明。

2. When I"m going through a hard time, I try to remind myself that every cloud has a silver lining. 当我身处逆境的时候,我努力提醒自己“天无绝人之路”。

3. Look on the bright side, every cloud has a silver lining. 往好的方面看,否极泰来。

4. The fact that almost immediately John found a job better than the one he lost is further proof of the saying that every cloud has a silver lining. John丢了工作后立刻又找到了一个更好的工作这件事儿,真是证明了任何坏事都有好的一面。

5. Come on, every cloud has a silver lining. Let"s focus on the things we learned from this experience. 没关系,凡事都有好的一面。多看看我们从这件事中吸取的教训吧。#英语每日一句# #英语#























